home Philippe's Fillips: Company References Your Turn
.............. Table of Content .............. Indexed by ........ Major Themes .............. Cultural References .............. Author References ..............
__________________________________ __________________________________
Association, Company, Institution References
20th Century Fox (a News Corp property) 08/02/11
23andMe.com 12/04/07
ABC (a Walt Disney property) 06/12/12
Accel Partners 08/28/12
Accenture 01/03/12 - 05/18/10 - 12/15/09
Acer 08/22/12
ACLU 04/13/10 - 11/06/07
Acxiom 05/20/14 - 08/28/12 - 07/31/12 - 07/02/12 - 08/04/09
Adidas 06/13/06
AdMob (under acquisition by Google) 06/29/10 - 06/01/10 - 05/25/10 - 01/05/10
Adobe 09/28/10 - 06/29/10 - 02/26/08
Aereo (an AIC/InterActiveCorp property) 05/20/14 - 04/09/13 - 06/12/12
Agriculture Department 07/27/10
AIG 05/11/10 - 03/30/10 - 03/24/09 - 11/25/08
AIM Group 09/21/10
Air France 07/21/09
Alaska Airlines 02/23/10 - 03/11/08
Alcatel-Lucent 03/06/07
Alibaba 10/11/11
Amazon.com 05/20/14 - 10/31/13 - 04/30/13 - 04/02/13 - 03/05/13 - 02/19/13 - 12/18/12 - 10/30/12 - 08/22/12 - 08/15/12 - 07/17/12 - 07/02/12 - 06/05/12 - 05/08/12 - 04/24/12 - 04/17/12 - 12/06/11 - 11/22/11 - 11/15/11 - 11/08/11 - 11/01/11 - 10/11/11 - 09/13/11 - 09/06/11 - 08/30/11 - 08/23/11 - 08/16/11 - 08/09/11 - 08/02/11 - 07/19/11 - 06/28/11 - 05/20/11 - 04/26/11 - 04/19/11 - 03/08/11 - 02/22/11 - 12/14/10 - 12/07/10 - 11/02/10 - 10/26/10 - 10/05/10 - 09/28/10 - 08/24/10 - 08/10/10 - 08/03/10 - 06/01/10 - 05/11/10 - 04/27/10 - 03/30/10 - 01/19/10 - 12/29/09 - 10/20/09 - 09/29/09 - 09/15/09 - 08/18/09 - 08/04/09 - 07/28/09 - 05/12/09 - 04/28/09 - 03/31/09 - 03/10/09 - 08/05/08 - 07/29/08 - 11/13/07 - 07/31/07 - 07/11/06
American Airlines 01/11/11 - 05/16/06
American Board of Medicine 03/31/09
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers 02/03/11
American Society of Media Photographers 04/13/10
AMEX 04/02/13 - 04/24/12 - 11/25/08
Angie's List 07/07/09 - 06/30/09
Anonymous 09/27/11 - 12/14/10
AOL (a former Times Warner property) 09/20/11 - 02/15/11 - 12/14/10 - 06/29/10 - 06/08/10 - 05/25/10 - 09/15/09 - 08/04/09 - 04/21/09 - 03/10/09 - 07/22/08 - 04/22/08 - 03/18/08 - 11/06/07 - 02/06/07 - 08/29/06 - 08/15/06 - 06/27/06
Apple Inc (formerly Apple Computer) 04/30/13 - 04/02/13 - 03/12/13 - 03/05/13 - 01/08/13 - 11/20/12 - 11/13/12 - 10/30/12 - 10/02/12 - 09/25/12 - 09/18/12 - 09/11/12 - 09/04/12 - 08/22/12 - 07/24/12 - 07/17/12 - 07/02/12 - 06/28/12 - 06/12/12 - 05/08/12 - 05/01/12 - 04/17/12 - 03/06/12 - 11/22/11 - 11/15/11 - 10/25/11 - 10/18/11 - 10/11/11 - 09/27/11 - 09/13/11 - 08/16/11 - 08/09/11 - 08/02/11 - 06/28/11 - 05/20/11 - 05/10/11 - 04/26/11 - 04/19/11 - 03/29/11 - 03/01/11 - 02/22/11 - 12/07/10 - 09/07/10 - 08/10/10 - 08/03/10 - 06/29/10 - 03/09/10 - 03/02/10 - 02/23/10 - 01/19/10 - 01/12/10 - 03/03/09 - 08/05/08 - 06/12/07 - 04/10/07 - 02/20/07 - 07/11/06
Areva 03/12/13
Arizona State University 04/27/10
Article 29 Working Party 11/06/12 - 05/08/12 - 09/27/11 - 05/25/10 - 06/23/09 - 07/10/07
Ask.com 01/15/08 - 12/18/07
Associated Press 07/28/09 - 04/14/09
Asus 03/05/13
AT&T 08/07/12 - 11/29/11 - 11/09/10 - 06/15/10 - 06/08/10 - 04/13/10 - 01/12/10 - 11/13/07
Authors Guild 05/23/06
Autonomy (to be acquired by Hewlett-Packard) 08/30/11
Axa 01/27/09
Bain & Company 05/17/11 - 04/19/11 - 03/13/11 - 03/08/11
Bank of America 08/30/11 - 11/02/10
Bank of England 05/05/09
Barclays 02/05/13 - 01/29/13 - 07/31/12
Barnes and Noble 05/08/12
BART 08/23/11
BATS Global Markets 02/22/11
BBC 10/02/07
Bear Stearns (acquired by JP Morgan Chase in '08) 05/11/10
Berkeley International 02/19/13
Berkshire Hathaway 04/05/11 - 05/11/10
Best Buy 09/09/08
Blendec 03/13/12
Blippy 04/27/10
Bloomberg L.P. 02/15/11
BNP Paribas 04/16/13
Boston Globe (a Times Co property) 12/06/11 - 05/19/09 - 04/14/09
BP 09/13/11 - 01/25/11 - 01/11/11 - 10/12/10 - 06/22/10 - 06/15/10
British Airways 09/16/08
BSkyB 02/05/13 - 02/08/11 - 09/16/08 - 12/12/06
BT 01/15/13 - 08/02/11 - 04/28/09 - 04/21/09
Cablevision 01/12/10 - 03/10/09
California Energy Commission 01/15/08
Capitol Records 04/09/13
CardSystems 10/03/06 - 05/30/06
Casetek 03/05/13
Catalist 06/14/11 - 04/15/08
CBC Distribution and Marketing Inc. 06/13/06
CBS 06/12/12
Center for Digital Democracy 11/27/12 - 10/02/12 - 02/28/12 - 10/11/11 - 11/16/10 - 08/24/10 - 07/21/09
Center for Responsive Politics 11/13/12 - 02/16/10
Chapman Capital 01/02/07
Charlie Hebdo 09/25/12 - 07/12/11
Chelsea (F.C.) 06/21/11
Chertoff Group 08/17/10
Chinese Ministry of Railways 08/09/11
Chi-X Europe (to be acquired by BATS Global Markets) 02/22/11
ChoicePoint (acquired by Reed Elsevier in '08) 06/14/11
Chomp (acquired by Apple Computer in '12) 03/06/12
Christie 11/08/11
Church of Scientology 02/27/07
CIA 11/20/12
CitiFinancial 05/30/06
CitiGroup 10/12/10
City of Ontario (CA) 04/27/10
Citysearch (an IAC property) 08/30/11
Clayton Holdings 10/05/10
Closer (a Mondadori Magazines France property) 09/25/12
CME Group 11/15/11
CNCCFP 07/27/10
Coca Cola 02/19/13 - 08/22/12 - 09/23/08
Comcast 05/15/12 - 07/12/11 - 12/21/10 - 12/14/10 - 12/07/10 - 10/26/10 - 06/01/10 - 03/10/09 - 08/26/08 - 06/24/08 - 03/04/08
Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) 04/16/13 - 05/01/07
Compaq (acquired by Hewlett Packard in '02) 08/17/10
ConEdison 04/02/13
Consumers Union 10/23/07
Coursera 05/22/12
Craigslist 12/06/11 - 09/21/10 - 05/04/10 - 03/02/10 - 05/19/09 - 12/09/08 - 11/18/08 - 05/27/08 - 05/13/08 - 09/11/07 - 06/05/06
CrunchFund 09/20/11
Cybergold (a United Airlines property) 05/19/09
Daily (the) (a News Corp property) 09/20/11 - 02/15/11
Daily Telegraph 05/26/09
DARPA 10/30/12 - 08/09/11
Datalogix 10/02/12
Data Warehouse (Boca Raton FL) 12/09/08
Decide.com 12/18/12
Dell 01/29/13
Demand Media 08/03/10
Department of Homeland Security 03/18/08
DesignBlox 03/11/08
Deutsche Bank 12/11/12
Deutsche Telekom 04/21/09 - 06/03/08
Digg 12/05/06
Digital Due Process Coalition 05/25/10 - 04/13/10 - 04/06/10
Digital Sky Technologies 06/29/10
Disney 08/02/11
DoubleClick (acquired by Google in '08) 04/19/11 - 05/25/10 - 02/02/10 - 09/29/09 - 08/04/09 - 04/28/09 - 11/11/08 - 03/18/08 - 10/09/07 - 04/17/07
Dow Jones Newswires (acquired by News Corp in '07) 02/15/11
Dubai World 12/01/09
Duke University 10/12/10
EADS 03/12/13
Earthlink 06/01/10 - 04/01/08
easyJet 01/29/13
eBay 11/08/11 - 09/28/10 - 01/19/10 - 09/29/09 - 08/25/09 - 03/31/09 - 08/12/08 - 07/22/08 - 07/08/08 - 05/13/08 - 02/05/08 - 06/19/07 - 07/11/06
EDF 07/24/12
Educational Development Corporation 04/17/12
EdX 04/09/13
EFF 08/23/11 - 08/03/10 - 11/06/07
eHarmony 06/05/06
Electronic Arts 08/11/09
Elektron Analytics (a Thomson Reuters property) 04/30/13
Enron (went bankrupt in 2001) 01/11/11 - 05/18/10
Epic 07/31/12 - 10/11/11 - 07/26/11 - 10/12/10 - 06/16/09 - 03/10/09 - 11/06/07 - 10/16/07
Epocrates 08/02/11
ePrivacy Group 10/16/07
Etisalat 07/28/09
Euro RSCG Worldwide 02/06/07
European Commission 03/12/13 - 02/12/13 - 01/15/13 - 11/06/12 - 08/22/12 - 08/15/12 - 07/31/12 - 07/24/12 - 05/08/12 - 01/31/12 - 11/15/11 - 10/04/11 - 08/16/11 - 01/11/11 - 06/01/10 - 04/13/10 - 03/02/10 - 06/23/09 - 04/28/09 - 04/14/09 - 05/20/08 - 05/13/08 - 03/18/08 - 07/10/07
European Court of Justice 05/20/14 - 11/29/11 - 02/08/11 - 09/29/09 - 02/05/08
Evidon 10/30/12
Experian 03/23/10
Express Scripts 11/18/08
Faber-Castell 08/31/10
Facebook 04/16/13 - 04/09/13 - 04/02/13 - 03/26/13 - 03/05/13 - 02/26/13 - 01/15/13 - 01/02/13 - 11/13/12 - 10/02/12 - 09/25/12 - 09/18/12 - 09/04/12 - 08/28/12 - 08/22/12 - 08/15/12 - 07/31/12 - 07/17/12 - 07/10/12 - 07/02/12 - 06/28/12 - 06/12/12 - 06/05/12 - 05/29/12 - 05/22/12 - 05/15/12 - 05/01/12 - 04/24/12 - 04/17/12 - 03/13/12 - 03/06/12 - 02/21/12 - 02/07/12 - 12/20/11 - 12/13/11 - 12/06/11 - 11/29/11 - 11/15/11 - 11/08/11 - 10/18/11 - 10/11/11 - 10/04/11 - 09/13/11 - 09/06/11 - 08/30/11 - 08/23/11 - 08/16/11 - 08/09/11 - 08/02/11 - 07/26/11 - 07/12/11 - 07/05/11 - 06/28/11 - 06/14/11 - 05/31/11 - 05/20/11 - 04/19/11 - 04/05/11 - 03/29/11 - 03/01/11 - 02/22/11 - 02/15/11 - 02/03/11 - 01/25/11 - 01/18/11 - 01/11/11 - 12/14/10 - 12/07/10 - 11/30/10 - 11/16/10 - 11/09/10 - 11/02/10 - 10/26/10 - 10/19/10 - 10/12/10 - 10/05/10 - 09/28/10 - 09/14/10 - 09/07/10 - 08/31/10 - 08/24/10 - 07/27/10 - 06/29/10 - 06/15/10 - 06/08/10 - 06/01/10 - 05/18/10 - 04/27/10 - 04/20/10 - 04/13/10 - 02/16/10 - 10/27/09 - 10/13/09 - 10/06/09 - 09/29/09 - 09/01/09 - 08/25/09 - 08/04/09 - 07/21/09 - 07/07/09 - 06/23/09 - 06/09/09 - 05/05/09 - 04/14/09 - 03/03/09 - 02/24/09 - 01/06/09 - 12/23/08 - 11/25/08 - 08/26/08 - 08/19/08 - 08/05/08 - 07/08/08 - 06/03/08 - 04/22/08 - 03/18/08 - 02/05/08 - 01/08/08 - 01/01/08 - 12/18/07 - 12/11/07 - 12/04/07 - 11/27/07 - 11/20/07 - 11/13/07 - 11/06/07 - 10/30/07 - 10/16/07 - 10/09/07 - 07/31/07 - 11/14/06
Fair Isaac 08/26/08
FBI 11/20/12 - 07/02/12 - 02/03/11 - 11/30/10 - 11/23/10 - 08/12/08
FCC 05/20/14 - 05/29/12 - 04/17/12 - 11/29/11 - 12/21/10 - 04/13/10 - 03/16/10 - 08/18/09 - 08/26/08 - 07/22/08
FDA 02/17/09
Federal Reserve Bank 10/07/08 - 09/30/08
Ferrari 09/18/07
FICO 07/05/11 - 06/28/11
Financial Times (a Pearson property) 04/02/13 - 01/15/13 - 01/02/13 - 12/18/12 - 10/23/12 - 09/25/12 - 03/06/12 - 01/17/12 - 09/20/11 - 04/05/11 - 02/15/11 - 12/07/10 - 11/02/10 - 10/19/10 - 09/07/10 - 08/10/10 - 06/29/10 - 06/15/10 - 05/18/10 - 03/30/10 - 10/13/09 - 06/23/09 - 05/19/09 - 04/21/09 - 10/07/08 - 09/09/08 - 07/29/08 - 05/27/08 - 02/20/07 - 11/07/06 - 10/24/06 - 07/25/06
Findus Group 03/05/13
Findwhere 05/13/08
First Great Western 02/03/11
Flickr (acquired by Yahoo! in '05) 10/02/07
FNAC 07/31/07
Ford Motor 09/28/10
Formula One Group 01/03/12
Foursquare 08/24/10
Fox (a News Corp property) 04/09/13
Foxconn 10/02/12 - 09/13/11
Fox News (a News Corp property) 06/12/12 - 07/27/10 - 07/04/06
France Telecom 01/04/11
Franklin Electronic Publishers 05/12/09
Free 03/26/13 - 01/15/13
French Constitutional Council 12/06/11 - 09/29/09 - 06/16/09
French Digital Economy Ministry 03/26/13
Friendster 12/14/10
Frommer's (a John Wiley property to be sold to Google) 08/22/12 - 08/15/12
FTC 02/12/13 - 01/22/13 - 01/15/13 - 01/08/13 - 01/02/13 - 12/18/12 - 11/20/12 - 10/09/12 - 07/31/12 - 07/10/12 - 05/15/12 - 05/08/12 - 12/13/11 - 12/06/11 - 11/15/11 - 09/27/11 - 02/03/11 - 01/11/11 - 12/21/10 - 12/07/10 - 11/16/10 - 11/02/10 - 09/28/10 - 06/01/10 - 04/13/10 - 02/16/10 - 12/29/09 - 10/13/09 - 09/29/09 - 09/15/09 - 09/08/09 - 08/25/09 - 08/18/09 - 08/11/09 - 08/04/09 - 04/14/09 - 03/10/09 - 03/03/09 - 02/24/09 - 02/17/09 - 01/06/09 - 11/18/08 - 11/11/08 - 09/02/08 - 05/20/08 - 05/13/08 - 04/22/08 - 03/18/08 - 03/04/08 - 01/08/08 - 12/11/07 - 12/04/07 - 11/20/07 - 11/06/07 - 10/24/06
Future for Privacy Forum 12/21/10
Galleon 05/22/12 - 01/17/12 - 10/04/11 - 04/12/11 - 04/05/11 - 11/03/09
Gannett 03/13/12
GDF Suez 10/06/09
GE 04/05/11
General Motors 07/24/12
GlaxoSmithKline 07/31/12
GlobalPost 03/31/09
Goldman Sachs 01/17/12 - 11/01/11 - 07/26/11 - 01/11/11 - 10/19/10 - 05/18/10 - 05/11/10 - 05/04/10 - 04/27/10 - 04/20/10 - 12/29/09 - 09/01/09
Google 05/20/14 - 10/31/13 - 04/30/13 - 04/02/13 - 03/26/13 - 03/12/13 - 02/26/13 - 02/12/13 - 01/29/13 - 01/15/13 - 01/08/13 - 01/02/13 - 11/27/12 - 11/13/12 - 11/06/12 - 10/30/12 - 10/09/12 - 10/02/12 - 09/25/12 - 09/18/12 - 09/11/12 - 09/04/12 - 08/28/12 - 08/22/12 - 08/15/12 - 07/31/12 - 07/24/12 - 07/17/12 - 07/10/12 - 07/10/12 - 07/02/12 - 06/28/12 - 06/12/12 - 05/29/12 - 05/22/12 - 05/15/12 - 05/08/12 - 04/17/12 - 03/06/12 - 02/14/12 - 01/10/12 - 12/06/11 - 11/29/11 - 11/22/11 - 11/15/11 - 11/08/11 - 11/01/11 - 10/25/11 - 10/18/11 - 10/11/11 - 10/04/11 - 09/27/11 - 09/13/11 - 09/06/11 - 08/30/11 - 08/16/11 - 08/09/11 - 08/02/11 - 07/26/11 - 07/12/11 - 06/28/11 - 05/31/11 - 05/20/11 - 05/10/11 - 04/19/11 - 04/05/11 - 03/08/11 - 03/01/11 - 02/22/11 - 12/07/10 - 11/30/10 - 11/16/10 - 11/09/10 - 11/02/10 - 10/26/10 - 10/05/10 - 09/28/10 - 09/14/10 - 09/07/10 - 08/31/10 - 08/24/10 - 08/10/10 - 08/03/10 - 07/27/10 - 07/20/10 - 06/29/10 - 06/22/10 - 06/15/10 - 06/08/10 - 06/01/10 - 05/25/10 - 05/11/10 - 05/04/10 - 04/27/10 - 04/20/10 - 04/13/10 - 04/06/10 - 03/30/10 - 03/09/10 - 03/02/10 - 02/23/10 - 02/16/10 - 02/02/10 - 01/26/10 - 01/19/10 - 01/12/10 - 01/05/10 - 12/29/09 - 11/17/09 - 11/10/09 - 10/20/09 - 10/06/09 - 09/29/09 - 09/01/09 - 08/25/09 - 08/18/09 - 08/18/09 - 08/04/09 - 06/23/09 - 05/19/09 - 05/12/09 - 05/05/09 - 04/28/09 - 04/21/09 - 04/14/09 - 03/31/09 - 03/24/09 - 03/17/09 - 03/10/09 - 03/03/09 - 02/24/09 - 01/20/09 - 01/13/09 - 01/06/09 - 12/16/08 - 11/25/08 - 11/18/08 - 11/11/08 - 11/04/08 - 10/21/08 - 10/07/08 - 09/16/08 - 09/09/08 - 09/02/08 - 08/12/08 - 07/29/08 - 07/08/08 - 06/24/08 - 05/27/08 - 05/20/08 - 05/13/08 - 05/06/08 - 04/29/08 - 04/22/08 - 04/15/08 - 04/01/08 - 03/25/08 - 03/18/08 - 03/11/08 - 03/04/08 - 02/05/08 - 01/15/08 - 01/08/08 - 01/01/08 - 12/18/07 - 11/20/07 - 11/06/07 - 10/30/07 - 10/23/07 - 10/16/07 - 10/09/07 - 09/18/07 - 07/31/07 - 07/24/07 - 07/10/07 - 06/26/07 - 05/01/07 (5/29) - 04/17/07 - 03/20/07 - 03/13/07 - 02/20/07 - 02/13/07 - 02/06/07 - 01/30/07 - 01/16/07 - 01/02/07 - 12/12/06 - 11/07/06 - 09/12/06 - 07/11/06 - 05/23/06 - 05/16/06 - 05/02/06
Grokster 01/24/12 - 11/09/10 - 05/26/09 - 04/28/09 - 02/20/07 - 06/13/06
Guardian 09/11/12 - 12/06/11 - 09/20/11 - 07/19/11
HADOPI 04/02/13 - 11/06/12 - 01/04/11
HarperCollins 04/26/11
Harvard 04/09/13
Heartland Payment Systems 01/25/11 - 08/25/09
Heathrow Airport 08/25/09
hebdo Hara-Kiri (L') 07/12/11
Heinz 02/26/13
Hewlett Packard 03/05/13 - 08/30/11 - 09/14/10 - 08/17/10 - 06/03/08 - 05/06/08 - 05/01/07 (5/8) - 10/03/06 - 09/19/06 - 09/12/06
Hire Reach 05/12/09
Holland-Mark 08/31/10
Hulu 06/02/09
Huffington Post (acquired by AOL in '11) 02/15/11
I.A.A.F. 08/25/09
IBM 02/12/13 - 07/02/12 - 04/26/11 - 04/19/11 - 03/01/11 - 05/13/08 - 05/06/08
ICQ (sold by AOL to Digital Sky Technology in '10) 06/29/10
Identity Theft Resource Center 01/25/11
Ikea 03/05/13
IMS Health 08/02/11 - 05/03/11 - 11/10/09 - 12/16/08
infoUSA 12/09/08 - 04/15/08 - 05/01/07 (5/29)
Instagram (acquired by Facebook in '12) 01/02/13 - 04/17/12
Intel 07/02/12
Interactive Brokers 05/08/12
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (offshoot of the Center for Public Integrity) 04/09/13
International Olympic Committee 08/22/12
Interpublic Group 04/05/11 - 08/11/09
Intrade 05/11/10
Invidi 03/10/09
I.R.S. 07/02/12 - 11/30/10 - 11/23/10
Istituto Bruno Leoni 01/02/13
Jefferies 02/05/13
JPMorgan Chase 05/15/12 - 09/09/08 - 07/08/08
John Wiley & Sons 04/09/13 - 11/06/12
Journal of the American Medical Association 09/22/09
Julius Baer 09/04/12
Junkbusters 08/29/06
JWT 03/13/12
KDDI 07/04/06
Kleiner Perkins 11/02/10
Klout 07/05/11
Knight Capital Group 08/22/12 - 08/07/12
Kroger 12/18/12
KVVU 07/29/08
L-3 Communications 06/29/10
Larousse 07/26/11
Lehman Brothers 08/07/12 - 06/15/10
Level 3 12/07/10
LifeLock 05/27/08 - 11/20/07
LinkedIn 07/02/12 - 11/08/11 - 05/20/11 - 12/14/10 - 04/14/09 - 07/29/08
Linklaters 03/30/10
London Philharmonic Orchestra 10/04/11
Lorillard Tobacco Company 12/11/07
Los Angeles Times (a Tribune Co property) 04/14/09
Louis Vuitton 10/20/09 - 09/29/09
Lubrizol (acquired by Berkshire in '11, pending) 04/05/11
Lulz Security 06/28/11
LVMH 09/29/09 - 07/22/08 - 07/08/08
Mail on Sunday (the) 07/21/09
Major League Baseball Advanced Media 08/11/09 - 06/13/06 - 05/23/06
Maplight 01/03/12
Markit 07/21/09
MasterCard 04/24/12 - 12/14/10 - 05/11/10 - 04/27/10 - 04/13/10
Match.com 09/09/08
Mayo Clinic Proceedings 09/22/09
McAfee (acquired by Intel in '10) 11/09/10
McDonald's 03/05/13
McKinsey 05/31/11 - 05/17/11
McLaren 09/18/07
MediaMath 11/27/12
Medical Justice 10/06/09 - 07/07/09 - 06/30/09
Medicare 07/01/08
MegaUpload 01/24/12
Merck 12/15/09 - 12/08/09
Methodist University Hospital 06/30/09
Metropolitan Police Service (UK) 09/20/11
MF Global 08/22/12 - 08/07/12 - 12/13/11 - 11/15/11
Michelin 07/26/11 - 02/05/08
Microsoft 03/12/13 - 02/12/13 - 01/29/13 - 11/13/12 - 10/02/12 - 08/22/12 - 08/15/12 - 07/24/12 - 07/10/12 - 07/02/12 - 06/28/12 - 05/22/12 - 05/15/12 - 05/08/12 - 01/31/12 - 11/29/11 - 10/18/11 - 09/13/11 - 05/10/11 - 04/19/11 - 04/05/11 - 03/01/11 - 11/09/10 - 09/07/10 - 02/16/10 - 02/02/10 - 01/19/10 - 01/12/10 - 11/17/09 - 10/06/09 - 05/12/09 - 10/21/08 - 09/09/08 - 09/02/08 - 05/06/08 - 03/25/08 - 03/18/08 - 12/18/07 - 09/18/07 - 03/13/07 - 03/06/07 - 11/14/06 - 10/31/06 - 05/02/06
MIT 04/09/13 - 11/27/12 - 11/25/08
Moody's 10/05/10 - 05/04/10 - 03/24/09 - 11/04/08
Morgan Stanley 07/26/11 - 05/05/09
Mother Jones (a Foundation For National Progress property) 09/25/12
Motion Picture Association of America 02/14/12 - 07/07/06
Motorola 08/30/11
MusicFirst Coalition 11/06/12
MySpace (acquired by News Corp in '05, sold in '11) 12/11/12 - 05/15/12 - 04/17/12 - 10/25/11 - 12/29/09 - 12/15/09 - 03/18/08 - 11/20/07 - 11/06/07 - 12/19/06
Nasdaq OMX Group (owner of NASDAQ) 05/25/10 - 08/11/09 - 01/06/09
National Collegiate Athletic Association 08/11/09
National Counterterrorism Center 01/05/10
National Football League 09/21/10 - 09/18/07
National Kidney Registry 04/10/12
National Security Agency 06/23/09
National Transportation Safety Board 12/20/11
NBC 06/12/12 - 09/07/10 - 07/01/08
NBC Universal 03/29/11 - 04/13/10
Nestlé 08/22/12
Netflix 05/15/12 - 11/22/11 - 04/19/11 - 12/07/10 - 10/26/10 - 10/05/10 - 01/19/10 - 10/20/09 - 12/09/08 - 10/10/06
Netscape (an AOL property) 02/12/13 - 06/28/12 - 04/19/11 - 02/16/10 - 01/12/10 - 10/06/09 - 05/06/08 - 02/05/08
New England Journal of Medicine 09/22/09
New England Patriot 09/18/07
New York City's Office of Policy and Strategic Planning 04/02/13
New York Times (a Times Co property) 04/02/13 - 01/15/13 - 03/13/12 - 02/14/12 - 01/24/12 - 01/10/12 - 12/06/11 - 09/20/11 - 04/26/11 - 02/15/11 - 09/14/10 - 04/06/10 - 02/23/10 - 01/26/10 - 10/06/09 - 05/19/09 - 08/19/08 - 07/29/08 - 12/19/06 - 12/05/06 - 09/05/06
New Yorker 07/22/08
News Corp 12/11/12 - 09/11/12 - 05/01/12 - 11/01/11 - 10/11/11 - 09/20/11 - 07/19/11 - 07/12/11 - 08/18/09
News International (a News Corp property) 11/15/11 - 07/19/11
News of the World (a News Corp property, closed in '11) 09/11/12 - 12/06/11 - 10/11/11 - 09/20/11 - 08/23/11 - 08/02/11 - 07/12/11 - 03/13/11 - 09/14/10 - 08/05/08
Newzbin.com 08/02/11
Nielsen 05/10/11 - 09/15/09 - 12/16/08 - 03/18/08 - 01/30/07
NIH 06/21/11
Nokia 04/17/12 - 04/19/11 - 04/05/11 - 03/01/11
Northern Rock 10/02/07
NSA (National Security Agency) 11/29/13 - 10/31/13
NTT 07/04/06
NYSE 01/06/09
Oakland Police Department 10/25/11
Odyssey Editions 08/03/10
OECD 05/25/10
Oink 05/20/08
Olympus 11/15/11
Omnicom 04/05/11 - 03/13/11
OpenID Foundation 01/22/08
Oracle 07/02/12 - 06/12/12 - 05/15/12 - 02/02/10 - 01/19/10 - 01/12/10
Palm 01/12/10
Pandora 11/06/12 - 04/19/11 - 11/24/09
Paramount (a Viacom property) 08/02/11
PayPal (an eBay property) 09/18/12 - 12/14/10 - 06/23/09
PBS 04/09/13
Pearson 08/10/10 - 05/18/10 - 09/09/08
Pegatron 03/05/13
Penguin (a Pearson property) 08/10/10 - 09/09/08 - 07/25/06
Pennsylvania State University 12/08/09
Personal 07/10/12
Phil's Stock World 11/09/10
Phorm 12/14/10 - 04/28/09 - 04/21/09
Pipeline Trading Systems 11/01/11
Pirate Bay 04/28/09
Plastic Logic 05/12/09
Podesta Group 07/06/10
Pose (a Gyroscope Technologies Inc. trademark) 10/09/12
Premier League 02/08/11
Pret A Manger 02/12/13
Pricewatch 10/20/09
PricewaterhouseCoopers 11/15/11
Primary Global Research 02/08/11
Princeton Review 08/26/08
Privacy International 05/25/10 - 04/28/09 - 09/18/07
Procter & Gamble 07/15/08
ProPublica 08/23/11
Publicis 04/19/11 - 04/05/11
Quatro Wireless 01/12/10
RateMyProfessors.com (a Viacom property) 10/06/09
Recording Industry Association of America 02/14/12 - 11/22/11 - 02/03/11 - 08/18/09 - 07/07/06
Readability LLC 02/15/11
Red Cross 07/22/08
ReDigi 04/09/13 - 11/22/11
Renault 03/29/11 - 03/13/11 - 01/25/11 - 01/18/11
Reporters Without Borders 08/15/12
Reputation.com 05/20/14 - 04/12/11
ReputationDefender 07/27/10
Revolution Health 10/21/08
R.I.M. (Research In Motion) 07/02/12 - 08/30/11 - 04/19/11 - 09/07/10 - 08/10/10 - 01/19/10
Rio Tinto 06/29/10 - 06/09/09
Riteng 03/05/13
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company 12/11/07
Roommates.com 06/05/06
Royal Bank of Scotland 12/29/09 - 03/03/09
Sacramento Bee 02/20/07
Santa Cruz Police Department 08/23/11
SAP 03/12/13
Scripps Network Interactive 01/12/10
Sears 10/13/09 - 03/24/09
Seattle's Police Department 08/02/11
SEC 04/23/13 - 02/05/13 - 05/22/12 - 12/06/11 - 02/08/11 - 11/30/10 - 08/24/10 - 04/20/10 - 09/22/09 - 06/02/09 - 01/06/09 - 08/05/08 - 07/22/08
Sermo 11/03/09 - 06/03/08
Shopkick Inc 08/24/10
SightSound (a GE property) 06/12/12
Sirius XM 11/06/12
SITA 04/26/11
Skyhook 05/10/11
Skype (acquired by eBay in '05, divested in '09, acquired by Microsoft in '11) 07/12/11 - 09/07/10 - 10/14/08
Smoking Gun (the) (a Times Warner property) 04/15/08
SNCF 01/31/12 - 07/26/11 - 12/14/10 - 11/16/10 - 05/25/10 - 01/23/07 - 06/27/06
Snopes.com 04/06/10
Social Intelligence 07/26/11
Société Générale 12/11/12 - 01/18/11 - 10/19/10 - 06/15/10 - 06/17/08
Sofitel 10/25/11
Sony 07/05/11 - 05/10/11
Sotheby 11/08/11
SoundExchange 11/06/12
Spamhaus Project 10/24/06
Spirit Airlines 04/13/10
Spotify 06/02/09
Standard & Poor's 07/31/12 - 05/18/10 - 05/04/10 - 03/24/09 - 03/17/09
Standard Chartered 08/22/12
Starbucks 01/08/13 - 12/18/12
State of New Hampshire 12/16/08
State of Vermont 05/03/11
Structured Settlement Investments 07/22/08
Stubhub (acquired by eBay in Jan '07) 06/19/07
Summly (acquired by Yahoo in Mar '13) 04/02/13
Sun (the) (a News Corp property) 09/25/12 - 09/11/12 - 07/12/11
SWIFT 07/03/07 - 07/04/06
Teachbook.com 10/04/11
TechCrunch (an AOL property) 09/20/11
Technology Review 02/02/10
TheBrowser.com 02/26/13
Thomson Reuters 02/15/11 - 05/19/09
Tiffany 07/22/08
Time Warner Cable 12/07/10
TiVo 06/02/09 - 07/29/08
TJX 11/09/10 - 09/02/08 - 06/19/07
T-Mobile USA 11/29/11
TomTom 05/10/11
Toyota 05/04/10 - 04/20/10 - 12/01/09 - 10/06/09 - 05/01/07 (5/15)
TripAdvisor (currently an Expedia, Inc property) 08/30/11
TRUSTe 03/24/09
TrustedID 02/27/07
TSA 01/05/10
Twitter 10/31/13 - 04/30/13 - 04/23/13 - 09/11/12 - 08/15/12 - 03/13/12 - 11/29/11 - 08/30/11 - 08/02/11 - 07/12/11 - 02/15/11 - 09/07/10 - 08/24/10 - 04/20/10 - 02/16/10 - 12/29/09 - 12/01/09 - 11/10/09 - 10/20/09 - 10/13/09 - 09/29/09 - 06/23/09 - 06/02/09 - 03/03/09
UBS 12/11/12 - 10/04/11 - 01/18/11 - 08/25/09 - 07/08/08 - 06/10/08
UCLA 12/19/06
UK Parliament 08/09/11
UK's Revenue and Customs office 11/27/07
United Airlines 05/18/10 - 09/23/08
United Nations Organization 01/08/13
Universal Music 12/19/06
Univision Communications Inc 06/12/12
University of Cambridge 05/29/12
University of East Anglia 12/08/09 - 12/01/09
US Air Force 12/21/10
US Army 01/18/11 - 07/13/10
US Department of Agriculture 03/05/13
US Department of Commerce (DoC) 01/25/11 - 01/11/11 - 12/21/10 - 11/16/10
US Department of Justice 04/17/12 - 05/03/11
US Supreme Court 05/20/14 - 01/22/13 - 04/03/12 - 01/24/12 - 11/15/11 - 08/02/11 - 07/19/11 - 06/21/11 - 05/10/11 - 05/03/11 - 03/13/11 - 03/08/11 - 11/23/10 - 07/13/10 - 04/01/08
Venable 12/15/09
Verispan 12/16/08
Verizon 11/27/12 - 12/21/10 - 12/14/10 - 11/09/10 - 10/26/10 - 08/31/10 - 05/04/10 - 03/10/09 - 05/27/08 - 03/04/08 - 11/20/07 - 11/13/07 - 11/06/07 - 10/30/07 - 10/23/07 - 01/02/07
Veterans Administration 02/24/09 - 07/04/06 - 05/30/06
Viacom 06/29/10 - 03/02/10 - 07/22/08 - 07/08/08 - 07/31/07 - 07/24/07 - 03/20/07
Visa 08/22/12 - 04/24/12
Visible World 03/10/09
Vodafone 02/23/10
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) 03/08/11 - 12/14/10
Wall Street Journal (acquired by News Corp in '07) 09/20/11 - 05/12/09 - 03/31/09
Walmart 05/01/12 - 08/23/11 - 07/19/11 - 10/20/09
Warner Bros (a Time Warner property) 11/22/11 - 08/02/11
Washington Post 09/07/10
WebMD 10/21/08
Wikia 01/15/08
Wikileaks 09/06/11 - 01/25/11 - 12/21/10 - 12/14/10
Wikipedia 02/14/12 - 01/24/12 - 08/16/11 - 07/19/11 - 01/18/11 - 04/06/10 - 01/19/10 - 11/17/09 - 09/01/09 - 05/26/09 - 05/19/09 - 04/28/09 - 12/09/08 - 12/02/08 - 07/01/08 - 05/20/08 - 08/28/07 - 01/30/07 - 07/11/06
TheWirecutter.com 01/02/13
World Economic Forum 04/19/11 - 03/13/11 - 03/08/11
World Federation of Advertisers 01/02/13
World Privacy Forum 10/19/10
WPP Group 03/10/09
Writers Guild of America 11/27/07
Yahoo! 04/02/13 - 02/26/13 - 05/15/12 - 10/11/11 - 12/21/10 - 11/16/10 - 09/29/09 - 03/25/08 - 03/18/08 - 11/13/07 - 01/16/07 - 12/12/06 - 07/11/06 - 06/27/06
Yelp, Inc. 08/30/11
Yes Men (the) 12/29/09
YouTube (acquired by Google in Oct. '06) 09/18/12 - 05/29/12 - 03/13/12 - 10/25/11 - 08/02/11 - 06/29/10 - 05/04/10 - 03/02/10 - 01/19/10 - 10/06/09 - 09/29/09 - 07/29/08 - 07/22/08 - 07/15/08 - 07/08/08 - 03/20/07 - 02/20/07 - 01/30/07 - 12/05/06 - 09/26/06
Zero-Knowledge 10/16/07
Zillow 11/07/06
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