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July 29, 2014 Clashing views may not lead to an optimum if it requires a finely tuned balance.

For Edmund Phelps solidarity is corporatist.
Capitalism feeds fatal inequality for others.
To right a balance don't say one side is wrong!
Corporatism not capitalism is the root of inequality
by Edmund Phelps
(Financial Times) - July 25, 2014
July 22, 2014 Both recommenders and creators need to be rewarded. An Information Age challenge!

Science journals are valued for peer recommendations.
Reviewers work for free. Reviews may be fakes.
Cannot this house of cards collapse?
Academic fraud casts pall over peer reviews
by Henry Mance and Clive Cookson
(Financial Times) - July 19, 2014
July 15, 2014 Market mechanisms are great but beware of market worship by manipulators.

Balancing greed with solidarity,
Uber now caps price surges during New York emergencies.
Next? Limit bank bonuses? Respect online privacy?
Uber Strikes a Deal on Surge-Pricing Limits
by Mike Isaac (New York Times) - July 9, 2014
'Trust me, I am a financial adviser' is not enough
by John Kay (Financial Times) - July 9, 2014
French accent on online privacy
by Adam Thomson (Financial Times) - July 9, 2014
July 8, 2014 Manipulating the news sets the mood. The real news: this is no longer a media monopoly.

Facebook finds feeding sad news lowers the mood.
Google makes bad news harder to find. Glad?
Sadly the media is mad. Bad news is what sells.
A Bright Side To Facebook's Experiments On Its Users
by Farhad Manjoo (New York Times) - July 3, 2014
Google left with searching questions about links removal
by James Fontanella-Khan (Financial Times) - July 5, 2014
Europe's flawed privacy ruling
editorial (Financial Times) - July 5, 2014
A Fan Sleeps at a Game, Wakes Up and Sues Baseball
by James C. McKinley (New York Times) - July 8, 2014
July 1st, 2014 Judge Scalia rightly dissents as the Supreme Court rules against Aereo,
Congress asleep at the wheel.

In the US, the law is no longer interpreted
but made after the fact by its Supreme Court.
Nine kings and no Congress make for no democracy.
Supreme Court Rules Against Aereo,
a TV Streaming Service
by Adam Liptak and Emily Steel
(New York Times) - June 26, 2014
After Ruling, Aereo’s Rivals Prepare to Pounce
by Emily Steel (New York Times) - June 30, 2014
June 24, 2014 With its Fire phone, the Amazon brand claims credible borders for its virtual land.

Looks like a phone, acts as a tether
and, for Hachette, doubles as blinders.
Amazing Amazon.
It is no dog that puts a leash on its master.
Amazon looks to phone to Fire up sales
by Sarah Mishkin (Financial Times) - June 20, 2014
Fire Phone Immerses Users in Amazon's World
by David Streitfeld (New York Times) - June 19, 2014
As Amazon and Hachette Brawl,
Other Booksellers Are Preparing to Cash In
by Leslie Kaufman and Elizabeth A. Harris
(New York Times) - June 19, 2014
June 17, 2014 Individuals are favored over families. Equally wanted, jobs and privacy at least are missed.

As jobs, families, privacy disappear for the 99%
so do legal incomes, social fabric, democratic power.
A slow, lazy slide into tyranny.
The rich have advantages that money cannot buy
by Lawrence Summers (Financial Times) - June 9, 2014
War of the Clinton-Bush dynasties benefits the US
by Edward Luce (Financial Times) - June 9, 2014
Redistribute to achieve very little
letter to the editor (Financial Times) - June 11, 2014
June 10, 2014 Free markets are truly powerful. True power frees itself from market demands.

Amazon v. Hachette, Verizon v. Netflix,
YouTube v. WIN music labels.
Be a bottleneck-based bully!
You'll beat back market-borne benefits.
Publishers must become giants to take on Amazon
by John Gapper (Financial Times) - May 29, 2014
Netflix Points At Verizon For Delays In Streaming
by Edward Wyatt (New York Times) - June 5, 2014
Labels seek help from Brussels in YouTube row
by Robert Cookson (Financial Times) - June 5, 2014
June 3, 2014 Without privacy, the Internet of things will prove a pleasurable nightmare.

An Internet of things captures more of what we do.
Ride the trend!
Remotely observed and manipulated,
consumers will be the main things.
Apple hopes to open door to smarter homes
by Tim Bradshaw (Financial Times) - May 28, 2014
Of Apple homes and driverless lives
by Robert Shrimsley (Financial Times) - May 29, 2014
Apple seeks to work Jobs magic on the internet of things
by Richard Waters (Financial Times) - May 30, 2014
May 27, 2014 Chinese use the Internet to spy on US companies. Look who's calling the kettle black?

Unit 61398 spies on US corporations. So what?
They are persons, same as me! Why expect better?
There is zero privacy anyway. Get over it.
Risk of retaliation from Beijing over cyber theft
by Geff Dyer (Financial Times) - May 20, 2014
May 13, 2014 As democracy decays into pronaocracy, error prone legislative power falls on blind justice.

The US Supreme Court must make law by default. Expect defects!
Do I own any data at all?
My Cloud files? My phone memory? My brain waves?
Aereo Case Will Shape TV's Future
by David Carr (New York Times) - April 21, 2014
Justices Skeptical Of Aereo's Business
by Adam Liptak (New York Times) - April 23, 2014
Justices Appear Divided On Cellphone Warrants
by Adam Liptak (New York Times) - April 30, 2014
May 06, 2014 MIT Professor Portland's dream of a data-driven society is dangerously incomplete.

In MIT Professor Portland's data-driven society,
can its members earn a living from data they know?
Who does not master data is a slave!
The Limits of Social Engineering
by Nicholas Carr
(MIT Technology Review) - May/June, 2014
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