In most domains, e.g. the job market, exchanging and matching information is a complicated task, oftentimes slow to yield results. ePrio software greatly increases the efficiency of these exchanges through a system specifically designed to facilitate quicker and more satisfactory transactions.
- "Hands-off Confidentiality"
When a domain lacks balance, only ePrio's "Hands-off Confidentiality" can guarantee users results, whether selecting the right counterpart out of countless proposals or snatching the rare opportunity as it occurs.
ePrio's distinctive and patented system informs users of market opportunities without first demanding personal information that could potentially compromise their ability to negotiate on the terms of a transaction.
- Mutual Interest
Under ePrio, users specify a particular interest, or targets, they have within a certain domain of interest. For their part, potential targets within this same domain have specified certain conditions users must meet before they will express interest in a transaction.
ePrio decreases the potential incentive for users or targets to submit misleading or false profiles. So doing deprives one of the opportunity to find truly suitable matches while incurring the risk to be barred from future access. This ensures a majority of satisfactory matches based on accurate information and mutual interest.
- Active Interest
In virtual fairs, companies or individuals are given specific time periods during which to upload their wishes and respond to matches. After users download the wishes of all potential counterparts onto their PC, they receive and select from the list of inquiries filtered through ePrio’s software to match their individual profiles. Thus, both parties are able to work from a premise of mutual interest as well as within a known time frame.
With virtual databases, companies or individuals actively looking for a future opportunity normally pay a fee to receive all qualified matches and guarantee their alertness level. Any counterpart looking for a current opportunity can check the entire list for matches. In case no mutual match is found, a counterpart is free to lower expectations, check again at his or her leasure or pay a fee to receive future alerts.
- Stepwise Discovery
With its virtual matching system, ePrio allows users to quickly gauge market conditions. Users maintain their freedom to withdraw their interest. If both parties remain interested, however, they can move on from the initial pairing into private negotiations, via secure tEC Mail or custom made e-Interviews to further ensure mutual interest and finalize the match.
- Power of selection
ePrio's software allows users to create truly customized profiles, enabling more personalized and therefore more effective searches.
Recruiters or other parties can then select from a much smaller pool of users, whose profiles meet more specific criterion, rather than a much larger one simply based on a few key words.
ePrio can replace today's inefficient and tedious online search methods with an innovative system designed for precise searches tailor-made by the individual.
- "Just in Time" data
Users are spared the hassles and risks of dealing with a central database; they can keep personal data on their own PC where it is always accessible and easy to update.
Users are also no longer obliged to fill out a profile each time they use a search service. Instead, ePrio requires users to complete just one profile, from which only relevant data would be taken for different searches.
- Customized matching
Typically, matching systems operate on fixed key terms. ePrio's unique "online maintenance" feature, however, enables customized searches by allowing new criteria not included in the general template to be added to individual matches.
- Refining the search
If some new criteria leads to more satisfactory matches, ePrio makes it easy to permanently add this criteria and update the template. Therefore, there is no need to schematize all possible attributes in advance or use an outdated and ineffectual template.
ePrio uses the power of peer-to-peer communication and intelligent agents.
User profiles, whether companies' or individuals', stay on each user's PC and are not stored in a central database.
Only selection criteria pertinent to a particular match are sent, in a secure manner, to be processed locally at the request of the recipient against his or her profile.
Matches are conducted automatically once participants have completed their profiles or outlined their requirements.
Janvier 2004 |