"Hands-off Confidentiality"
  • Privacy first, disclosure second

    In today's world, the disclosure of personal information is a prerequisite for participation in many online services. Our service, however, does not demand any intial sacrifice of client privacy for the benefit of personalization. It is designed to eliminate the need for individuals to put their priviledged information at the mercy of Web site privacy policies.
    Instead, our personalized and confidential method allows users to understand exactly what benefits are to be derived from participating in a particular transaction before deciding whether or not to disclose any information.


  • Peer to peer communication

    Our matching method permits users to keep all personal information on their own PD (personal computer, cellphone...) rather than obliging them to surrender this information to a central database.
    Intelligent agents, working on the user's PD under the user's control, secure communications and formulate a match between participating parties based upon each user's information.


  • Two-way Privacy

    With our system, only after their outlined needs and conditions have been mutually satisfied do the participating parties disclose confidential information. Before this point, all users of our service can restrict information regarding their identity, detailed profile and specific objectives, as well as what terms need to be met before they will propose or accept an offer involving the other party.


  • Personal value for Personal information

    With our matching method, both parties privately set their true level of interest. It becomes a new way for the value of information to be agreed upon prior to disclosure. And so, more appropriate value can be given for personal information, or actual payment can be made to obtain it. The system supports such negotiated payments.


  • "Hands-off Confidentiality"

    Only our patented system of "Hands-off Confidentiality" truly respects the privacy of users in online negotiations.

    With One-way Anonymity,
    only the source's name is protected. For example, users could post personal information as an online profile but under an alias. The specific nature of the information, however, may betray the user's identity.
    With Two-way Anonymity,
    an intermediary promises anonymity to users surrendering their personal profiles to its database, where they will be accessed and reviewed by other registered users. Users must accept the possibility of the intermediary failing to enforce or reneging on, its promise of confidentiality.
    With "Hands-off Confidentiality"
    neither the name nor profiles of participating parties are known to each other or to the intermediary, so there is no opportunity whatsoever for the accidental or purposeful premature sharing or accessing of confidential information.

    The first two methods require users to compromise their privacy. ePrio's innovative design, on the other hand, gives users absolute control over their confidential and personal information.


Janvier 2004
Copyright © 2004 ePrio Inc. All rights reserved.