On these screens copied from the tEC Generic Editor, all buttons have been deactivated
except the "Open" buttons corresponding to COD and LST list data types.

Standard Facts

Vocabulary: common
Profile Question or Matching Criteria target: admissible type definitions :
Code : Type :

Page/Fact Label Code Type
Contact Data
tEC referral code 0 ID
honorific 1 COD
first name 2 FRE
middle name or initial 3 FRE
last name 4 FRE
street address 5 FRE
street address (complement) 6 FRE
PO Box 7 FRE
city 8 FRE
state / province 9 COD
zip / postal code 10 FRE
tel. day 12 FRE
tel. evening 14 FRE
fax 15 FRE
email (office) 16 FRE
email (personal) 17 FRE
Birth Data
birth date 23 DAT
age 24 NUM
sex 25 COD
citizenship 29 COD
permanent residence 33 BOO
residence permit expiration date 34 DAT
native language 55 LST
other language fluency 56 LST
highest degree 59 COD
Institution which delivered highest degree 60 FRE
Major 62 FRE
marital status 66 COD
children 68 BOO
children age 70 RAN
Primary Residence
live alone 89 BOO
live with 90 LST
employment 108 COD
occupation title 110 FRE
employer's name 111 FRE
employer's street address 112 FRE
employer's street address (complement) 113 FRE
employer's city 114 FRE
employer's state / province 115 COD
employer's zip / postal code 116 FRE
Personal Finance
yearly gross wages (US) 124 NUM
yearly gross wages (EU) 134 NUM
End of list

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